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Zagal AI

Unsure who to start and sit this week?
Try Zagal, your fantasy football AI assistant. For free.

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What Zagal Is Trained On

Ready to take your team to the championship? This is what Zagal AI is made out of.

100+ Podcast Episodes

Zagal AI has digested the finest fantasy football debates, ensuring you benefit from the collective wisdom.

50+ YouTube Transcripts

From expert breakdowns to player deep-dives, Zagal AI leverages insights from top football analysts on YouTube.

1000+ Opinion Pieces

Zagal AI's knowledge doesn’t stop at stats; it taps into the pulse of the fantasy football community.

Aggregated Expert Rankings

Get the edge with consolidated rankings from leading fantasy experts, all in one place.

Real-Time Player Updates

Stay ahead of the curve with instantaneous player news and performance insights.

Powered by ChatGPT

Fueled by one of the most advanced language models, Zagal AI ensures seamless and intelligent conversations.


First 10 prompts on us! Then it's $9 for the rest of the season with unlimited prompting.

2023 Fantasy Season

  • Any Player Comparison
  • Aggregated Expert Opinions
  • Up-To-Date Player Information
  • Clear Reasoning
  • Unparalleled Insights
  • Latest Rankings